Saturday, December 29, 2007

Most of the day-to-day appointments at a small practice are your basic annual exams, ear/eye/skin infections, UTI's, URI's, etc etc - very important for the health of your pet, but on the excite-O-meter, they wobble right around a solid 1.5-2 out of 10. However, our awesome client base is guaranteed to bring on the crazy every once in a while.

Case: Young couple with a 3 yr old M/N Lab, not acting right, not eating well, vomiting and diarrhea on and off for the past few days. Fecal spin and smear = negative. Slight fever.

Me: "Anything you can think of that he could have gotten into or swallowed? Any plants, poisons, trash, toys, etc.?"

Husband: "No."

Wife: "Well, actually he did eat something. But it's not important."

Me + Husband: "What did he eat?"

Wife: "I can't tell you in front of my husband. It's too embarrassing."

Me: "I can assure you that whatever it is, I've seen it at least twice before. Really. Tampons, pads, bras, panties, condoms, you name it. Can it really be worse than that?"

Wife: "No, really, he'll make fun of me. Anyway, it's not important."

Husband: "I guess I'll just excuse myself then, honey." (leaves room)

Me: "Well?"

Wife: "I still can't tell you."

Me: ::headdesk::

The vet tried to drag it out of her too, but to no avail. They declined diagnostics so we sent the pup home on i/d and antibiotics and famotidine - I called today and he is apparently doing much better. My brain cells, however, will never recover.


Shoshannah said...

Hello from Israel :) Have been enjoying you blog.

Just wondering- has it happened to you that what the dog ate actually made *you* embarrassed?

(Luckily, I have two cats)

a.o. said...

My cat eats things. I think he's a Lab trapped in a cat's body - he had to be hospitalized after he swallowed a bunch of metal. I'm convinced that he has some sort of strange undiagnosed eating disorder, since he also has an abnormal obsession with food of any kind. Thankfully, he steers clear of anything embarrassing, at least so far...

ellipsisknits said...

ha, metal reminds me of a dog I knew who chewed up a piston from a truck engine his owner was rebuilding - though it was too big for him to actually ingest.

Our cats just eat hair elastics (which they throw up) and barbie feet (which are lost forever).